Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 1-Today. I. Am. Thankful. For......

In the spirit of the month, I'd like to share with you 30 things that I'm thankful for. I'm sure there are many more. I know some who have made lists of 100 or 200 things that they are thankful for. This month, I'm picking 30 of my favorite. These are things that are particularly dear to my heart. They have left a lasting impact.

Today started off a little rough. We've spent far too many nights up late over the last few weeks and I'm seriously starting to drag.  Everything changed however when just a little bit ago I left the stuffy space I call my office for a short walk over to the BBC mail room where I deliver my office mail each day to go out (For those who don't know, the office I work in is on the top floor of the BBC library). And the day just stunned me. It is gorgeous outside.

Today, I'm thankful for the gorgeousness that is called weather. I love the seasons and while we don't have as good of a winter here as I would typically like, I'm very thankful for the seasons that we get to experience here. Everything from the growth in the spring, to the heat of the summer (although that's probably my least favorite!), fall with it's crispness and pretty colors is my favorite, and who doesn't enjoy a good snow storm in the winter? It's all fun and a testimony of God's creativity and his plan for the cycles of the earth. Today, I thank God for his plan with the weather, and particularly today, for the beauty that is outside.

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