And it's once again time for my High Five for Friday post, linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth!
1. I've had a heart for Biblical Counseling since my senior year of college. God opened my eyes to the sufficiency of His Word through an Apologetics course with Dr. Christopher (info for the BBC alum who are readers), and the counseling and theology courses I took over the next few years with Dr. Kevin Carson and Dr. Wayne Slusser, and others as I completed my Master's Degree in Biblical Counseling dramatically changed my life and perspective. The Holy Spirit made something click in my brain that never had before. The Gospel literally changes everything, starting with my heart, and He instilled in me a passion for women and girls to know God's Word and to let it change them that has yet to quiet down. Chris has a similar passion (although not aimed at girls in particular as mine is;) and I was excited when he was given the opportunity to go to this year's NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counseling) Conference. It was somewhat of a historic event as they changed the name of NANC To ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors), and he was honored to be there for the decision. We have plans to work on our certification over the next year. We both have all the training completed, and just need to test and be observed. I've been counseling girls and women in our church's Biblical Counseling Ministry for the last 6 years, so it will be nice to have that certification completed! I love that he was able to go and be inspired and have fellowship with one of our pastors the head of our counseling ministry!
2. You already know all about the little lady's 3rd Birthday Bash, but did you know my little man helped make the cup cakes? Can I just squeeze him? He asked if he could help. He loves his little sis so much!
3. This isn't the greatest pic, but post party I turned her big '3' made out of Instagram pics into a heart for her room. I love having some new pics up in her room for her to enjoy!
4. While the hubs was gone I tried to get the kids out and enjoy the incredible weather we've had over the last week.... it's finally starting to feel a bit like fall! I caught this pretty pic along a local river and it had an almost magical feel to it. They both are growing so fast and they love taking bike rides. I'm gonna need to get my own soon to keep up with them!
They got to come with me a few times to work with this week and I made sure to get them out to the park for a mid day lunch break. This little lady loves to swing!
She also enjoys a good ride through the car wash. (That makes my week sound fascinating huh :)
5. And then there was this..... how on earth could I make them stay in their own bed when daddy was gone. It was a camp out with mommy this week!
All in all I hada great time this week hanging with the kids and snagging some extra time with them. Thank you Lord for changing my perspective and allowing me to enjoy this beautiful season of life!
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