Families have different traditions and I for one love birthdays. It's a day to celebrate the entrance into this world of the ones I love. And my children are some of my favorite people to celebrate. So their birthdays are a big deal. But I also know the depths of depravity in my heart and my own desire for others to celebrate ME.... and I want my children to be loved and celebrated.... but not expect it as my own heart can sometimes do.
How on earth do you find that balance in teaching your kids?!
We're working through that. But not having HUGE parties every year is one way we're trying to flesh that out.
This year though was the 3rd Birthday for our little lady and we wanted to throw her a little shebang. She has literally been talking about her party since at least March (when her big brother had his last Birthday) and she had pretty high hopes for a 3 year old. We tried to make it a fun time for her and even got to spread out the celebration over two days since her actual birthday was on Friday and her party was on Saturday.
So I left work a little early and we did some running around. She wore her new tutu from Grandma Perry and I'm pretty sure she felt very dressed up. Look at that grin!
Daddy treated her to her first rose and a little balloon. That was the icing on her cake. Pretty special stuff.

Then we spent the evening at Aunt Brittany and Uncle Matt's house to eat a pizza dinner, sing her Happy Birthday (she sang along!), open 1 present (a special outfit for her party from Aunt Britt) and watch the much anticipated Jake the Pirate MOVIE that Brittany DVR'd for the kids.
Obviously they were entranced. And I think it was a good day for her.
However Saturday was her PaRtY! (And let's face it.... that's what she's been waiting for all these months).
Chris had to leave to go out of town on Saturday morning for the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Conference in Alabama and the decision to go was a bit last minute, so I was left to party prep by myself. Thank you Connor for coming over and helping out. I never would have gotten it all done without you! As I was going through my phone I found this lovely little creation that the Birthday Girl made! Ha! Love it!
My sister found some pretty Martha Stewart party decorations on a recent trip to the JC Penny Home store. I had no idea they carried that line and their sale prices weren't bad. The Birthday Girl requested Strawberry Cupcakes for her party so I made the same recipe I used for her 1st Birthday party from Sprinkles Cupcakes. They always turn out so good!
I got Instagram pictures of the little lady printed up at Walgreens (did you know they print them in 4x4?!) and made this big '3' on the wall. Afterwards I took them down and made a heart on her bedroom wall with them. I love looking back at all the fun photos from her 3 years of life! So many good memories for both her and I. It amazes me what she remembers!
Next check out these grins. She is so hard to photograph. The girl won't sit still. But she was SO happy!
And of course present time. Her friends were so kind and each brought a sweet gift for her. Lots of new coloring books and 3 baby dolls! Look at the open mouth. She was pretty excited to have her very own Tangled dress and doll. (it's been a favorite movie for awhile)
Bad picture (girl doesn't stop moving!), but she was pretty pleased.
All in all I think her party was a success! I did forget to get a group picture. I just realized that. Bummer. Wish I had one of all her friends.
That evening I took the kids (by myself!) to see the new Monster's University movie at our little discount theater. We barely squeezed in... nabbing two of the last seats in the house. The little lady sat on my lap the whole time (squeezing her Boo doll I might add that she had just opened!) and had such fun.
They've only been to 2 other movies.... both with their aunt Britt, so it was a fun new experience for me taking them. And my little man said to me on the way out, 'Mom, that was fun!' So it was a good night in my book.
All in all, we got to celebrate our favorite little girl and the 3 years God has blessed us with allowing her to be a part of our family. It still blows me away sometimes when I consider the privilege it is to be her mom and the grace God shows us in allowing us these relationships. I'm tearing up even now just thinking about it, the light in her eyes, her fierce little spirit, her spunk and song in her step. It all blows me away, that God allows me to be a part of her life and loans her to us with the responsibility of raising her for His glory..... it's big stuff and my heart is so full.
We love you our Little Lady!
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